Document Details
Document Type |
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Thesis |
Document Title |
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Effect of Moringa Oleifera lam on the Small Intestine of adult rats treated By Different doses of Voltaren تأثير عشبة المورينجا على الامعاء الدقيقة فى الجرذان المعالجة بالفولتارين بجرعات مختلفة |
Subject |
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علم الامراض -الجرذان |
Document Language |
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English |
Abstract |
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Diclofenac Sodium (DS) is one of NSAIDS that was commonly used and may be
used in high or toxic doses by mistake or postoperatively. Moringa Oleifera Lam
(MO) were known for their multiple pharmacological effects including their antiinflammatory
effects. Aim of the work: The current study aimed at evaluating the
possible protective role of MO on the experimentally induced microscopical
changes of duodenal mucosa of adult rats following administration of different high
doses of DS. Materials and Methods: Forty five rats were divided into the
following groups (15 each): Group I was served as a control group, Group II was
subgrouped to IIa, IIb and IIc, that were administered orally 50, 100 and 150
mg/kg/day of DS respectively for 2 days after fasting for 20 hours. Group III was
subgrouped to IIIa, IIIb and IIIc. The rats were maintained on oral MO (500mg/kg)
daily for 1 week, then they were administered the same doses as in the previous
group. The animals were sacrificed 3 hours after the second dose and were
dissected. Microscopic and morphometric studies were done on the excised
duodenum. Results: A variety of histological changes was observed in group II .
The changes were ranged from loss of the brush border to cellular lysis, destruction
of villi, monocellular infiltrations and basal glandular ulcerations. The PAS stained
sections showed focal negative expression of the brush border together. Although
the goblet cells appeared significantly decreased in number, they had increased
acidic mucin secretion. On the ultrastructure level, there were vacuolar cytoplasmic
degeneration, disturbed microvilli arrangement with the underlying terminal web
and defective junctional complex together with widening of the area of tight
junctions. The mitochondrion was ranged from atrophy or ballooning and
elongation. In group III that was treated by MO, the goblet cells were increased
significantly in number and their secreation was mainly acidic mucin. By TEM,
they showed different electron density of mucous granules. There was marked
increase in the mononuclear cells of the lamina propria in both Group II and III
compared to control group I. The previously mentioned changes were directly
proportional to the dose of DS. The main difference in protected specimens was the
stability of the membranes of the cells compared to those exposed to DS without
intake of Moringa. Conclusion: The current study concluded that MO may have a
partial protective effect on the duodenal mucosa in cases of high dose
Key Words: Moringa Oliefera – NSAIDS- Duodenum-Electron microscopy-rat |
Supervisor |
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Samar Omar Abdullah Bin Rabah |
Thesis Type |
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Master Thesis |
Publishing Year |
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1434 AH
2013 AD |
Number Of Pages |
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88 |
Co-Supervisor |
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Siham Kamel Mohammed Abunasef |
Added Date |
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Monday, September 16, 2013 |
تغريد الياس نتو | Natto, Tagreed Elyas | Investigator | Master | |
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